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About Hannah

Thank you for finding me here. I am Hannah, most people call me Han. I work in the NHS as a Diabetes Midwife and live in East Sussex with my husband, son, Noah and little cat, Luna. I have been involved in the birth world since 2014, working for a Perinatal Mental Health Charity, prior to commencing my midwifery training in 2016. It was during my time at the charity, that I knew what I needed to do.


Mental health has become quite the buzz word in recent years and for good reason. Your emotional health and wellbeing impacts absolutely everything in your life; you do not have to have a diagnosed mental health problem to want to explore what has made you the person that you are. We all deserve someone to listen to us and that is no exception in the perinatal period. Whether you come to me for birth preparation or dedicated emotional wellbeing support, I will work alongside you to explore the thoughts and feelings you are having and hold space for you in whatever way you need.


One by one, at Reframing Birth, I am working with people and families to become informed, confident and empowered to birth their babies and become emotionally regulated parents. In 2021, I completed my Certificate in Perinatal Emotional Health & Wellbeing with Traumatic Birth Recovery. I can now support people experiencing any emotional health concerns related to pre-conception, pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period including trauma, depression, anxiety, abuse, infertility and loss. The aim is to feel more like you again, because I know first hand the effect that deteriorating emotional wellbeing can have on your entire life, especially in pregnancy and the postnatal period.


I have a special interest, arising from personal experience, in working alongside those who have chronic health conditions, both in preparing for birth and through their emotional health experiences.


Upon booking any of my sessions, you will receive my professional, undivided support, care, expertise and attention, as well as a hell of a lot of laughs and nurturing.​


Remember, your happiness is not entirely defined by WHAT happens, it also involves HOW you are made to feel.


I hope to hear from you soon.

Han x

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